Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hurry up and wait

So there is no baby yet, my LilyPie ticker is probably thoroughly confused having spent all this time counting down to something that didn't happen when it was supposed to... Quite frankly I am feeling the same confusion, mixed with frustration and an over surge of hormones makes for a lovely person to be around.

We have everything ready, the hospital bag is packed, the car seat almost installed, the bassinet set up, I have trained my replacement at work, the only thing left is to have a baby. Every night Brooke and I talk to her, tell her that we are ready to see her, Brooke instructs her to swim down, he even drew and arrow for her to use as a road map. Every morning we wake up, one more day of waiting.

I was not one of those women who was "in love" with being pregnant but I did enjoy it. Towards the end people kept asking me if I was SOOO ready for this to be over and I would smile and tell them that I was okay being pregnant, the only thing really bothering me was the pointless doctors visits where nothing would change and I could see that I was really boring him by coming in week after week with no progress.

Then the due date came and the next morning I woke up so over the joy and happiness of being pregnant that I almost wasn't sure how to handle the sudden switch in emotions. I was sure though that now that I was over being pregnant she would get the hint and we would finally get to see her... not so much.

Tomorrow starts my 41st week of pregnancy and I am a cluster of exhaustion and emotions. I go in at noon for a BPP, if she passes then they will let us go until Tuesday night, if there is still no baby then we are scheduled to start a slow induction.

If she is anything like her father and I, she will wait until a few hours before the induction and will make her appearance, letting us know that she is not going to be told when things are going to be done. I will then know that she has inherited the most stubborn parts of her parents, a combination of which could be deadly for someone.

Until then.... we will be waiting.

1 comment:

  1. That's exactly what Josiah did. I was scheduled for induction at 7am on a Tues., and my water broke at 5pm Mon. Josiah was born 8 hrs before he was to be 'forced' to get here.
