Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It's like that Cosby episode....

There is a Cosby episode where someone has a dream and in that dream all of the men are pregnant. I hate that episode, it creeps me out. So last night we had our third Child Birthing class during which our instructor had all of the support people try on an empathy belly. She warned the men not to be the last one to try on the belly. Brooke went second to last, the last guy had to actually get into a birthing bed with the belly on a show everyone how to push. It was at once the funniest and creepiest thing I have seen.

So here is a picture of my pregnant husband:

And here is one of us comparing our bellies:

Monday, July 20, 2009

Pregnancy Brain

So Brooke thinks that Pregnancy Brain is a term that I made up to give myself an excuse for being such a flake lately. I keep telling him that there is a mutant creature who is feeding on all of my good blood cells so my brain gets the leftovers and that is the medical definition of pregnancy brain. Or maybe I keep meaning to tell him that... hmmm

My cooking skills have been greatly affected by the pregnancy brain. Last week was Brooke's birthday so I decided to make him dinner. I put potatoes on the stove to cook and began to smell something burning, I didn't give it much thought, the burners on our stove needed to be cleaned, something I only remember after turning them on. But soon I noticed smoke, so I checked out the stove and I had erroneously turned on the burner with the box sitting on it instead of the one with the potatoes. The box was on fire.... so I threw it on the floor, instead of into the sink. Stove 1, Skylar 0

After cleaning up that mess and getting dinner cooked, I went to take the cake out of the oven. When I went to put it on the stove top there was a spoon in my way so I tried to move it, but it was stuck, to the burner... melted. Stove 2, Skylar 0

Friday I had my nephews and Isabelle all day long. After a successful trip to Isa's doctor and to the grocery store we went back to the house for lunch. I made Spagetthi O's per Isa's request. After lunch I cleaned everything up and we left. When I got home that evening I found that I had left the burner on low all afternoon, thankfully I had taken everything off of the stove before we left so there was no disaster that arose. Stove 3, Skylar 0

This may be the norm for some cooks but I am generally catastrophe free in the kitchen. The next day when I tried to turn on the burner to remelt the spoon so that I could throw it away, the burner would not come on... so I took apart the stove and fixed the burner and cleaned the thing inside and out. Stove 3, Skylar 1

So while I did manage to up my score by the end of the week, I am beginning to think the cooking related pregnancy brain is the baby's way of telling me to sit down, put my feet up and hire a cook!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Required Update

So my mother tells me that I need to keep up with my blog. I have no problem with this except that I have nothing to report really. We are in the "hurry up and wait" stage of the pregnancy.

She is still kicking, not as hard or as regularly as she had been but my Dr tells me I was lucky she was that consistent to begin with... We started childbirth classes on Monday, four weeks every Monday night for two and a half hours. We are getting a lot of extra information from the Discovery channel. Brooke keeps threatening to rat us out to our instructor for watching it but we cannot seem to help it.

I am in pain, not a lot of big, mean pain (and yes I know it will get worse) but lots of irritating little pain. My ribs are being attacked by the rest of my body and the left side hurts to the touch. My back is so tired of carrying extra anything, it wants to compensate by making me waddle but then Brooke makes fun of me so I am trying to keep from doing that so much.

I am enjoying being pregnant. I am not one of those mothers that is in love with being pregnant but it is pretty cool, feeling her move is amazing, knowing she is with me all the time, that she will recognize my voice, my heartbeat... very cool.

I think that one reason I am not in love with being pregnant is because I have that first time terror that hits me about twelve times a day. I am not eating enough salmon, I bent over too far to pick up that pen, was that movement a normal movement or a help me something is wrong movement... I am still completely terrified walking into the Dr's office that they will not find a heartbeat, no matter how hard she is kicking as I sit in the waiting room. You know, normal things like that.

We went and registered at Babies R Us last weekend and every day I have checked the registry to make sure I have everything I need or want on there. Did I get enough receiving blankets marked, do I have wash clothes on there, did I choose the correct butt paste. Brooke was excited to scan things, once he scanned the bear that makes the womb sounds though he was really pretty much done, I mean what more could we need. We were three isles into the store.

We are looking at vehicles but are both dragging our feet at the idea of making car payments or having full coverage insurance on anything. I cannot believe that when I was little all I wanted to be was a grown up, now I miss the days of blissful ignorance when I had no idea how we got the car or what it cost just as long as I could strap my doll and her car seat into the back.

Now we are towards the end of the pregnancy and before long I will be putting a much more precious baby doll into a much sturdier and more expensive car seat and I want to be sure that we have the safest back seat for her to ride in... for now though we are just going to hurry up and wait!